The first six months with a new baby is a special and exciting time full of milestones and new experiences. Your Baby Week by Week explains the changes that your baby will go through in their first six months. Each chapter covers a week of their development so you’ll know when your baby will start to recognize you, when they’ll smile and laugh for the first time and even when they’ll be old enough to prefer some people to others! Paediatrician Dr Caroline Fertleman and health writer Simone Cave’s practical guide provides reassuring advice so you can be confident about your baby’s needs. Full of all the information and tips for every parent Your Baby Week by Week is the only guide you’ll need to starting life with your new arrival. Product Information: ISBN: 9780091910556 Format: Paperback Author: Simone Cave & Dr Caroline Fertleman Publisher: Ebury Publishing Pages: 296 Measures: 23.4 x 15.2 x 2cm
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