Make sure your remote control matches the image or model number of your device exactly as shown here. If you can't find your remote control, your user manual may have a drawing of it that you can compare with the photo shown here.If you are not sure of the model number, you can usually find the full model number on a label on the back of the device.ZJX-S1 ZJX-S ZJ-S1 ZIX-S ZHX-S ZD-S SRK-ZSX-S SRK-ZS-S SRK-ZSP-S SRK-ZR-S SRK-ZMX-S SRK-ZM-S SRK-ZMP-S SRK-ZJ-S SRK-ZGX-S SRK-ZG-S SRK-ZFX-S SRK-ZE-S1 SRK-ZE-S SRK-HG-S SRK-HC-S SRF-ZMX-S SKM-ZD-S RMA502A001 RLA502A701R RLA502A701L RLA502A700K RLA502A700C RKX502A017A RKX502A007P RKX502A007B RKX502A001S RKX502A001P RKX502A001G RKX502A001F RKX502A001C RKX502A001B RKX502A001 RKW502A200D RKW502A200B HD-S HC-S1 DXK18Z3-S DXK12Z3-S DXK09Z3-S
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