Experience targeted support and all-day comfort with the innovative CMCcare Thumb Brace. Designed to reduce the pain of CMC Arthritis, this thin, molded brace with an open palm provides a firm grip at the base of your thumb, while allowing your fingers and thumb to move freely. Customize the fit with the built-in stay and adjustable strap for maximum comfort. Comes with an extra strap for replacement if it gets wet or worn. Please Note: Straps will absorb water but dry quickly when blotted with a towel. To choose the size most likely to fit you will only need one measurement. Please refer to the Sizing Chart Image above for further instructions. Please note: Sizing may vary on very thin or muscular hands and it may be necessary to try more than one size. The sizing chart does not guarantee an exact fit. If the size you choose does not feel comfortable, it is recommended trying another size before altering or wearing the brace.
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