In Ayurveda, Mishri is also known as Sita / Sharkara / Khanda Sharkara. There are many properties of mishri which make it an active ingredient in many of Ayurvedic most revered medicines and tonics eg Asavas and Arishthas. Benefits of Mishri / Rock Sugar:- Maintaining pH Balance: It is alkaline in nature compared to sugar which is acidic. It helps maintain a normal pH in the body and pacifies Vata and Pitta. It also increases Kapha dosha when consumed in access. Boosts Women Health: Panchamrit, which is a mixture of curd, honey, ghee, milk and mishri, if taken at bedtime, is an amazing tonic for the female reproductive system. Panchamrit is also known for being a great skin, hair, and immunity tonic as it nourishes all sapta dhatus (7 bodily tissues) of the body. Cooling And Soothing: It is cooling and soothing in nature. It cools the body and it is generally added to medicines which are acidic/hot or difficult to digest. It is also used in cases of mild fever as it cools the body naturally. Good For Cough And Cold: Since is pacifies Vata dosha, it is considered a good remedy for dry cough. Sucking on to a 5gm piece of Sharkara, relives the throat irritation and expels the sputum.You can also consume it by making a mixture of Mishri with black pepper and ghee and taking it at bedtime. Healthy Digestion: It promotes digestion as it is very light and easy to digest. Due to its light nature, it also does not cause weight gain. It also helps control bad breath. In India, it is a tradition to consume fennel seeds (saunf) with Mishri post-meal due to such properties. Netrya – Good For Eye Health: It improves eyesight in both children and adults. One popular remedy is to make a mixture of white pepper (50gm), Almond (50gm), Fennel Seeds (50gm), and Mishri (150gm). You can consume 1/2 tsp of this mixture twice a day with warm milk for adults and children. You can also reduce the quantity and white pepper and increase the quantity of mishri for children.
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