Product description KG Bird Spray is our revolutionary Chemical Free and Pesticide Free formula. It is designed to effectively rid your bird of, Bird mites, Red mites, Depluming mite, Northern Fowl Mite, Scaly Leg Mites, Fleas and lice naturally! KG Bird Spray is non-toxic, chemical-free, biodegradable, all-organic and hypoallergenic easy to use, with no removal of the birds needed. KG Bird Spray penetrates and emulsifies all types of organic insect matter on all surfaces. It is an environmentally-friendly alternative to harsh pesticides and chemicals and is highly effective for clearing all surfaces of bird mites, fleas, lice and odours. As a pest control product, KG Bird Spray works better, quicker and safer than dangerous, synthetic pesticide poisons. KG Bird Spray can be safely used on the bird, their bedding and surrounding grounds. Studies show that when fleas, mites and lice are no longer present on and around birds, they become less stressed and aggressive, allowing them to do what they do best: increase egg production and gain body weight. The elimination of parasites and insects will help decrease mortality rates in young birds. Increases Egg Production Increases Body Weight Takes Away Stress Safety Warning Caution - Do not spray on birds face, eyes, mouth or the nostrils (nares). Air entering these openings passes through the pharynx & then into the trachea (or windpipe) this will cause the bird to suffocate due to not being able to catch their breathe as a bird takes a the second breath.
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