MedQ Smart Medication Reminder Our mission was to address medical non -compliance with a new type of medication box. The need for a better Medication reminder with Alarms was obvious. The fear of Mom forgetting pills, or dad forgetting medication can be solved with the MedQ Smart Medication Reminder. Medication Compliance System For Quality Of Life Our first prototype had a very loud alarm. Common sense dictated high volume for Seniors. But the facts were different. If the alarm started too loud, it would scare the user and they would pull the batteries out of their pill reminder, defeating the purpose. Med-Q timer solutions, have the alarm start softer and increase in volume. The statistics with this, what appears to be a small change, were over-whelming. Med-Q is “The Smart Pillbox” The solution was LED LITE-BOX Technology that made the pillbox better. The World Health Organization has said “90% of Seniors make medication errors.” How big is the impact? The Wall Street Journal has called Medical non-compliance “America’s other Drug Problem” The USA TODAY says “Medication errors cost the United States medical system in excess of 350 Billion a year. MedQ Smart Medication Reminder to the rescue MedQ Prescription Medication Reminder The smart pill box was designed to help manage illnesses. These illnesses can range from high blood pressure pills to the struggle of dealing with Alzheimer’s medication schedules. Taking diabetes medicines has been made easier with the smart pill box. We have made available a medication tool that can reduce and hopefully eliminate mistakes.
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