Not to be forgotten is the car care sector. These include above all the washing brushes for a quality wash with super quality bristles and connections to plug-in coupling systems with matching extensions. The brushes are ideal for a paint-friendly shine wash. The car care is unimaginable without sponges: for windows and headlights against stubborn stuck insect dirt, for clear vision and shine in the cockpit, or combined, with double effect and can be used on both sides. And the car care kits - with sponges, brushes and cloths - are not only for spring cleaning, but also a practical care package throughout the year. The chamois leather made from the finest lambskin English trannery round off the wide range of car care products for bodywork, cockpit, windows or mirrors. Special cloths are available in various sizes and designs for removing dirt, grease and nicotine, or for polishing paint and chrome surfaces, with important feature - machine washable, therefore also reusable and environmentally friendly.
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