Description: Antifreeze D-30 is a Nitrite, amine and phosphate and magnesium, borat- silikatfreies Kühlerschutzmittel and ethylene glycol-based, that are diluted in water prior to use,. Antifreeze G12 Colour: Red / Purple / / Product Use: Protection from corrosion and Cavitation and debris schaumverminderung / environmentally-friendly thanks to longer life for all antifreeze of validity has used in conjunction with Electroplated cables or containers is not recommended! Antifreeze D-30 Korrosionszusätze includes high quality and offers optimum protection for all used in cooling system metals or metal-alloys (including Aluminium It is from cooling systems with Vollaluminiummotoren use, and also as Lebensfüllung) Antifreeze D-30 is a oats and can be mixed with most based on refrigerants Ethylenglykol. for optimal Korrosionsschutzwirkung and the prevention of Sludge formation, Recommended Use unmixed (upon manufacturer specifications note!).
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