Paneer is one of the most consumed food items in every household in India. People usually get their paneer by purchasing it in the form of small packs through various corporate companies in India but, they usually don't try to prepare Paneer at their homes even though the process is quite easy, they are skeptical about the taste and nutritional composition of the Paneer that might get tampered if it is not prepared properly Prathista is a well-known and well-established company that has been supplied the ingredients needed by many corporate companies in India to prepare Paneer. With an intention to provide quality Paneer to the people at the ease of preparing it at their own place, Prathista has now directly entered into the market with one of its leading products - Lanos Prathista Lanos is an Organic Cheese / Paneer Lactate that can be used to prepare Paneer at your home without any hassles. All you need to do is boil the milk and put 10-15 grams of Prathista Lanos powder in it for every 1 litre of milk and keep stirring for 5-10 mins. After it gets cooled down, you can refrigerate it for some time to get a perfectly solid Paneer Paneer prepared with Prathista Lanos is chemical-free and organic. Probiotics are one of the key ingredients of Paneer Lactate which makes it very healthy. You get soft cheese/paneer that has a very good taste and nutritional value. Prathista Lanos has an enhanced shelf life and improves gut health for consumers Water separated from Paneer in the above-mentioned preparation process is a very good Whey Protein that can be consumed directly as a drink
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