Self-heal flower essence this remarkable flower essence has been one of the leading remedies of the fes quintessential line of flower essences for over twenty years. Self-heal flower essence addresses the core issue in all healing work-the inner commitment to be well. Self-heal is an excellent choice for beginning your personal wellness program. It enhances other flower essences and therapeutic programs, acting as a catalyst in the journey to mind-body health. Self-heal flower essence is especially indicated for those who have lost belief in their own capacity to be well, or who have abdicated this inherent responsibility to healers or others. It is a very beneficial remedy for those who face great healing challenges, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. The central teaching of self-heal is to enable the self to affirm and to draw from the deep wellspring of life, toward true recovery and restoration. The name "self-heal" is perhaps its own best affirmation, since all healing depends on an inner commitment to be well. No variety of outer measures and techniques can bring about healing (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), if there is not a quickening from within the individual, a motivation to seek and affirm the wholeness of life. When to use self-heal flower essences an excellent introductory remedy flower essence therapy, awakening one's inner sense of self-development and understanding of a good integrating remedy in nearly any flower essence formula, helping to address and focus the core healing issues of self-awareness and inner commitment to an adjunct to any healing journey, especially when one feels overwhelmed by information or options, and needs to be in touch with inner values and choices. For individuals who have a wide variety of psychosomatic ailments, or who continually seek treatment from many different practitioners, but lack an inner.
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