Sunnah's Shifa Little Bee Honey is 100% pure, organic and indeed good for health. It is unprocessed, so it retains all the minerals and antioxidants, which is what you want. Honey has been used by countless cultures all around the world over the past 2,500 years. While the numerous health benefits of honey have made it an important element of traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic treatments, scientists are also researching its benefits in relation to modern medicine, particularly in the healing of wounds. There is almost no part in the world where honey is not widely used and celebrated as a part of the cultural diet. Honey has been used for thousands of years to help calm a child’s cough, aid in cholesterol relief and digestion and to promote healing of wounds. Honey, in its purest form truly is a head-to-toe cure that will surely be used more and more in the years to come. Ideal for both medicinal use and kitchen. Best For Medicinal purpose.
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