The force behind the success of Eraser Acne & Pimple Care Soap is its breakthrough “five action formula” enriched with dermo protecting and purifying active ingredients. Glycine, sacrosine, and cinnamomum extracts target and combat the major causes of skin imbalance and acne. These restore balance to acne-prone oily skin by simultaneously reducing the number of blackheads and the sebum level. Purifying the skin of all forms of Acne. Eraser Acne & Pimple Care Soap regulates sebum production, inhibits inflammation, inhibits the formation of free fatty acid and protects the skin from free radicals. Eraser Anti-Acne & Pimple Care Soap is an effective remedy to control Acne & Pimples. Its oil free formulation checks bacterial growth, stops inflammation & controls sebum production. Daily use of Eraser Anti-Acne & Pimple Care Soap provides you with clearer, less oily & healthy skin.
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