Resolving gluten sensitivities is a core issue for gut health and Gluten Comfort with Tolerase G helps provide you with what you need to help break down gluten, all so you can enjoy gluten again.* Don't let gluten sensitivities stop you from eating the foods you love most!At Silver Fern Brand we believe in food enjoyment, not food avoidance. Some of life’s best foods come with gluten and we would love to help you enjoy them again.Gluten Comfort by Silver Fern Brand is a targeted enzyme product that contains a dietary enzyme proven to help break down gluten in the stomach.*Simply following a gluten-free diet may not be enough. Many so called “gluten-free” foods actually still contain gluten. In fact, approximately 32% of foods labeled “gluten-free” contained measurable amounts of gluten, with pizza and pastas being the most likely offenders.There is a protein complex in wheat, barley and rye called proline and the human body struggles to break down proline-rich proteins. ToleraseG is a targeted digestive enzyme that helps break down proline-rich proteins.* Gluten Comfort can help degrade gluten in a way that mirrors the human gastro-intestinal tract.*
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