Thanaka powder is made solely from the barks roots of Thanaka tree or Limonia Acidissima. It has no chemical or synthetic mixtures that might harm your skin. It is 100% organic since the barks and roots are simply thoroughly grounded. It has been the effective and secret beauty regimen of all Beurmese women of all ages that started more than 2000 years ago. It has kept their skin amazingly smooth, soft, supple and young for so many generations that its renowned abilities has spread all over the world! Organic Thanaka's tremendous properties can cause the smoothing of one's skin, immediately controlling the break-out of Pimples, Acne, and other roughness of the skin not only on the face but on the whole body. Used as a facial mask in any time of the day will genuinely result to flawless skin texture. Help well-fitting the pore control oiliness and protect the mark from sun light make smooth clean skin get rid a pimples hand do not make be annoyed help take turns skin cell has that to die then peel disclose new skin. lead dust rubs the King of Nagas mixes with the clean water cover abandon keep 5 - 15 minute then wash go out can everyday will help give dry rough face come back damp and see clean smooth well-fitting pore goes up the mark from is vague or that exist quietly pale down **for person have a pimple is infected should not do the scrub cover abandon keep already wash go out with the clean water Ingredients : Pure 100% THANAKA Powder with no preservatives and chemical free
1 week ago
4 days ago