Directions Step 1: For swimming pools, add 5 ounces of Yellow Treat per 10,000 gallons of water. Broadcast Yellow Treat directly onto pool water surface. For spas, use the equivalent amount of 1/4 ounce of yellow treat per 500 gallons. Step 2: Brush pool or spa. Step 3: Independent of the chlorine level, immediately add liquid or dry chlorinating product for super-chlorination. Use the recommended dosage rate for super-chlorination from the label of an EPA-registered chlorine product. Step 4: Before swimming, use test kit for measuring chlorine, as directed on your chlorinating product label. Do not enter water or swim until the chlorine residual drops to 3 ppm. Step 5: Chlorinate continuously with tablets or chemical feeder. Add slow dissolving tablets (such as trichloro-s-triazinetrione) during summer and heavy swimming conditions. Test chlorine with OTO (yellow chlorine test) and let stand for 5 minutes before reading as directed on your chlorinating product. Step 6: To prevent recurrence of yellow and mustard algae and to maintain crystal clear water, United Chemical No Mor Problems may be used in conjunction with chlorinating or brominating products. Step 7: Repeat above steps if algae are visible in pool or spa.
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