Size estimation charts are useful in a variety of circumstances for accurately measuring spots, inclusions, and defects on different textile surfaces, paper, plastic, etc. Other brand transparency charts may be imaged using a second generation copy from a master negative. Ours are first generation charts for increased accuracy. Produced on high dimensionally stable lithographic film, .007 stable base polyester photographic film. A densitometer is used to calibrate the imaging equipment as well as a certified hglass scale and an Edmunds scientific 60 power microscope to measure each image. Accuracy: We guarantee the film when manufactured is accurate at the following specifications. DMIN:0.08 or less DMAX: 4.0 or greater Line Width greater than.0004 of original feature with Geometric and Scaling Accuracy: +/-.0025” over 24” Accuracy at your facility may be affected by storage and handling.
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