NaturesGoodGuys Live Encarsia Formosa Eggs - 1,000 pupae on 10 seperate hanging cards. Description: Encarsia formosa are tiny flying insect that are a natural biological control agent agianst many species of whitefly. Adults are very small black insects about 1/20 inch long. They do not bother humans and go virtually unnoticed. Encarsia Larva develop inside the immature whitefly scale, which darken and turn black. Encarsia pupa are sold on hanging cards. It is recommend to hang the cards on lower leaves in the shade. Avoid getting the hanging cards wet when watering. Other biological control agents such as; Delphastus catalinae (beetle) and Eretmocerus eremicus will co-exist with Encarsia formosa and help expedite the process.
1 week ago
2 days ago