Bayes' Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis (Tutorial Introductions)
Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition: A practical guide to probabilistic modeling
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python, Second Edition (Grayscale Indian Edition)
Applied Bayesian Statistics (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
Everything Is Predictable: How Bayesian Statistics Explain Our World
Bayesian Statistics for Beginners: a step-by-step approach
Bayesian Statistics for Beginners: a step-by-step approach Illustrated Edition
Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing: 17 (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks, Series Number 17)
Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition: A practical guide to probabilistic modeling
Mathematical Theory of Bayesian Statistics
Computational Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction: 11 (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks, Series Number 11) Paperback – 28 February 2019
Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition: A practical guide to probabilistic modeling
An Introduction to Bayesian Inference, Methods and Computation
EVERYTHING IS PREDICTABLE: How Bayes' Remarkable Theorem Explains the World
Bayesian Statistics and its Applications
Bayesian Data Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 3rd Edition
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (WILEY SERIES IN PROB & STATISTICS/see 1345/6,6214/5)
A Student's Guide to Bayesian Statistics Paperback – 4 May 2018
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python
A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics
Bayes Rules!: An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and STAN (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 2nd Edition
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python
Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability with Star Wars, LEGO, and Rubber Ducks
Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction, 4th Edition
Bayesian Essentials with R (Springer Texts in Statistics)
A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Bernoulli's Fallacy: Statistical Illogic and the Crisis of Modern Science
Computational Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks, Series Number 11)
Introduction to Statistics: An Intuitive Guide for Analyzing Data and Unlocking Discoveries
Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks, Series Number 17)
Bayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (WILEY SERIES IN PROB & STATISTICS/see 1345/6,6214/5)
Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction
Applied Bayesian Statistics (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian Probability for Babies: A STEM and Math Gift for Toddlers, Babies, and Math Lovers from the #1 Science Author for Kids (Baby University)
Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan, R, and Python
Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences (Methodology in the Social Sciences Series)
Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial
Mathematical Theory of Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing
Bayesian Nonparametrics for Causal Inference and Missing Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability)
Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes: With Applications to Statistics (Springer Series in Statistics)
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan
Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis (Springer Series in Statistics) 2nd Edition
Modelling Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Data: A Bayesian Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python
Reasoning with Data: An Introduction to Traditional and Bayesian Statistics Using R
Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data
Learning Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian Methods for Hackers: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference (Addison-Wesley Data and Analytics) 1st Edition
The Bayesian Choice: From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation (Springer Texts in Statistics) 2nd Edition
Bayesian Optimization in Action
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 1st Edition
Bayesian Core: A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics: 2nd Edition Paperback – 1 January 2012
Bayesian Inference of State Space Models: Kalman Filtering and Beyond (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Bayesian Core: A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis: A Bayesian Introductory Course