RID ALL Anti Ichbr> Is the recent development in Aquarium Pharmaceuticals for the specific treatment of Ichthyophthirus Multifiliis ("Ich" commonly known as "whites pots") in aquarium fish. It destroys ich parasites effectively within 24 hours and within 3 days for persistent cases. br> DIRECTIONS: irst detection if Itch, ( white pepper-like specks found on affected fish) use 5 ml (one teaspoonful) to 25 litres ( 5 gallons) of water. Repeat treatment on second day for persistent cases. br> For Tetra species, marmyrids, loaches and baby fishes, use 5 ml to 40 L of water and continue treatment for two days or until recovers. For mouth and body fungi, fin and tail rot, torn fins, and sore sports, applied directly to affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in undiluted Anti-lch, or soak the affected fish for 15 seconds using a higher concentration of 5 ml to 5L of water. br> If you do not mind the blue coloration, you may use this product to sterilize your aquarium tanks 5 ml to 10 L of water for 6 hours. br>
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