2.4V 700mAh NiCD Medical Battery For Welch Allyn Microtymp 2, 72900, Compatible With MED-72900 2.4V 700mAh Medical Battery is a perfect Compatible With battery for your Welch Allyn Microtymp 2 medical device. This battery is made with high quality parts and are guaranteed to meet or exceed the original equipment manufacturers specifications at a reduced price. This is a Compatible With, made by Exell Battery, NV, for the OEM battery. 2.4V 700mAh MED-72900 Medical Battery Specifications Voltage: 2.4V, Amperage: 700mAh, Chemistry: Nickel Cadium (NiCD), Height: 2.32in (58.9mm), Diameter: 0.66in (16.7mm), 2.4V 700mAh Medical Battery Compatible With: Welch Allyn: 23600, Welch Allyn: 71170, Welch Allyn: 72900, Welch Allyn: HL72900, Welch Allyn: MICROTYMP 2, OEM: 5831, OEM: AMED3197, OEM: B11027, OEM: HL72900, OEM: MNC729,
2 months ago
2 weeks ago