How to Use? 1 Place in UrineMomMed early detection pregnancy test no need to collect urine. Place the absorbent tip in the urine stream for 2-3 seconds. (Do not stream past the arrow end and take care not to splash the window)2 Wait 5 MinutesLay the strip down on a flat, non-absorbent, clean surface. Start the timer and wait for the coloured line(s) to appear. Read results in five minutes. (Do not read results after more than 5 minutes)Result InterpretationNegative(Not Pregnant)One coloured line in the control region(C). No apparent red or pink line appears in the test region(T). There is no pregnancy.Positive(Pregnant)Two coloured lines appear. One line should be in the control region(C) and another line should be in the test region (T). This means that you are probably pregnant.InvalidNo visible line at all. Repeat a new test.Tips before Pregnancy Test:1. Don't Drink Too Much Water Before Testing.2. Morning Urine Specimen Is Preferred Because Of Its Highest Concentration Of Hcg.3. Taking Something Containing Hcg Can Cause False Positive Results.If your period has not started within a week after a negative result, repeat a new test. If it's still negative, make an appointment with your healthcare professional to determine what is going on. Some special conditions can also affect a woman to miss a period. Such as stress, excessive exercise, illness, hormonal imbalances, etc.
2 weeks ago
2 months ago