The word Orgone means life force or life energy. It is also referred to as Ch’i, Prana, Aether, Universal Energy or Vital Energy. Orgones are a mixture of resin, metals, and crystals that are hardened into various shapes. It is said to attract etheric energy similarly to Dr. Wilhelm Reich accumulators. Healing Landmarks of Rose Quartz Orgonite Dodecahedron Crystal: ➨ POSITIVE ENERGY - Orgonite Dodecahedron crystal absorbs all negative unbalanced energy and transform it into positive balanced energy, sending it back out into the environment.➨LOVE BOOSTER- Rose quartz is the stone of love that heals cardiac issues and diseases by reducing negative emotions, promoting empathy, reconciliation, and unconditional love.➨HEART CHAKRA HEALING- Rose Quartz has a powerful energy that makes vibration within both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra to clean your heart chakra. ➨PSYCHIC GROWTH- Orgone with Rose Quartz helps to inner SPIRITUAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL growth. Generally considered a perfect tool to use for meditation and healing mind. ➨ POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP- Rose Quartz with Orgone Energy produce a positive energy that helps you to build all kinds of – Love Family Friends relationship more Stronger. ❝Thousands of people have seen their lives change and health improved with orgonite devices and the movement grows every day. We believe you are inspired to become part of the Orgone Movement and see what effects on you have from this amazing material.❞
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