TROPHYMALL - Among India's Best Brand for high class trophies and medals Launches its Entire Range @ . High quality , precision tools used to manufacturer these awards make it a delight for every event - Not only for receipient - but also for the organisers who can boast of giving out THE BEST. For the first time we now ALSO offer you COMPLETE customisation of trophies / medals at the comfort of your home. Each Product also has a FREE CUSTOMIZATION KIT included. One A4 size transparent paper and one A4 Size Golden / Silver ( each color on each side ) self adhesive paper. You can choose which base color you want and stick it on the medal / trophy ( example golden base or silver) and on top the Transparent sheet with the matter printed will be stuck to give it the complete professional and customised look. For Crystal Trophies you can stick only the transparent paper to give it a see through Effect. You can print using your home injket or laserjet printer and customise the wordings / matter of the award on a simple WORD programme. Please NOTE the matter to be printed on the Awards / The Surface area is way lesser than an A4 paper but we are sending you full A4 size sheets in case you make mistakes in printing once then you can use the remaining part of the paper as well.So... Let the Games BEGIN !!
2 weeks ago
2 days ago