The Liper Device is used for infants with tongue -tie severity. Proper tongue exercises with the Liper Device can be used pre and post operatively when there is a need for frenotomy (a.k.a. frenulotomy or frenulectomy). Postoperative Active Wound Management (AWM) with the Liper device has been shown to improve post- surgical outcome; therefore helping ensure normal tongue flexibility and functioning while preventing frenulum reattachment and/or scarring. The Liper Device can be used with toddlers and young children who are receiving pre and post op frenectomy therapy. The speech-language pathologist and /or registered dental hygienist trained in pediatric feeding and/or myofunctional therapy (COM) can use the tongue tool as a part of their AWM program. WHAT IS ANKYLOGLOSSIA? Ankyloglossia or tongue- tie, happens when the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth by an unusually short or thick lingual frenulum. Frenula restriction may also be found in the maxillary and mandibular labial frena and/or the maxillary or mandibular buccal frena. In many cases of ankyloglossia, frenotomy is performed to surgically incise or remove the abnormal membrane. This can be done by a dentist, oral surgeon or otolaryngologist via laser or scalpel procedure. Tongue-tie restricts the tongue from extending and elevating, impairing the baby’s ability to remove milk from the breast. Missing the diagnosis of tongue-tie can be associated with: articulation difficulties, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), SIDS, airway dysfunction, food allergies, dental & facial developmental anomalies, palate abnormalities and myofunctional disorders. The Liper Device can assist with assessment, therefore identifying the tongue- tie, and help the breastfeeding dyad move towards the proper medical referral. Use the Liper Device with the tongue tied book Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs by TalkTools.
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