This book is Volume 2 of the series, "How To Lose Weight Fast , Keep it Off & Renew The Mind, Body & Spirit Through Fasting, Smart Eating & Practical Spirituality." Intermittent fasting has become an increasingly-popular way to lose weight quickly without having to commit to long-term diets. But most people who practice intermittent fasting are merely scratching the surface. Author, Robert Dave Johnston, fasting coach and webmaster of, presents the powerful five-prong intermittent fasting system that helped him overcome obesity, lose 100 pounds and, more importantly, keep it off for more than 10 years. And here's the good news: The weight loss numbers provided by intermittent fasting are very doable. Whether you only need to lose a few pounds, or if you are an athlete seeking for ways to reduce body-fat, or if you are overweight or even seriously obese, the intermittent fasting machine can help you take a quantum leap towards the TOTAL attainment of your goals. I'm not talking about losing 'some' of the weight. With intermittent fasting, you can lose ALL of the weight in a very short period of time.For instance, by cutting out some foods from your diet and then practicing periods of fasting of just a few hours per week (for starters), it is possible to lose weight very quickly. How much? A 4-hour fast, 3 times per week can actually produce weight loss of 7-to-10 pounds per month (or more, depending on your body makeup and what you eat). How would it help you to lose ten quick pounds in a month? I'm sure it would help you a lot, not to mention that you will feel empowered and encouraged to keep going because you will see results quickly and consistently. And this is just the beginning. In 'The Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Formula, the author goes all-out and presents a powerful five-prong intermittent fasting structure that can supercharge weight loss and propel you towards your ultimate goal. And it can do this faster than anything else on the face of this earth. The five intermittent fasting methods presented in this book can literally change the course of your life. How will it feel to actually lose ALL of the weight and be able to get into those pants you used to wear in high school? Or how will it feel to simply feel good about yourself and not have to turn away when you see yourself in a mirror? Reaching a cherished weight loss goal is an exhilarating, emotional and deeply transforming experience.Here are some Intermittent Fasting examples:* Daily Intermittent Fasting asks the faster to eat a light breakfast at 8AM and then not eat anything else (only water) until 8PM that evening, totaling 12 hours of fasting. Doing that for several days, weeks or even months can, in itself, help you achieve your weight loss goals. Intermittent fasting for 12 hours daily is simple on the surface. However, within it, there is tremendous power to rejuvenate and heal. And that's just intermittent fasting for 12 hours daily, from 8AM to 8Pm. Twelve hours daily of fasting for thirty days can very well transform the course of your life. And that is only the simplest Intermittent Fasting structure the author presents. Want to push yourself a little more for some extra (and faster) weight loss? Try the MId-Week Intermittent fasting method, where you fast for 3.5 days every week for one-to-three months. Or you can dive into deep waters and practice what the author calls the 7-Day fat buster intermittent fasting method. Moreover, the author gives instructions on how you can actually combine all of the intermittent fasting methods and create a super-charged fat-burning and detoxification cycle that will cause the pounds to literally melt off of your body. But that's not all. To help you break the fast properly and maximize the health and weight loss benefits, the author will give you a list of banned foods, as well as a shopping list of clean foods that will support (and not sabotage) your progress.
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