Is this hand painted or printed on canvas? All our paintings are 100% hand painted oil painting by our artists from sketch to finish, step by step. This hand painted abstract oil painting are very popular in decoration market. What about quality? Every art piece is checked carefully, including the art work, the stretcher, the frame and the packing, we will ensure it is perfect for shipping. What is Return Policy? If you are not satisfied with our paintings, pls return it and we will refund you full payment after receiving the return painting or resend you new painting.If it is broken in transit, pls take a photo of package and send it to us, we will resend new painting to you or refund you full payment.Seekland Art is one of the largest online suppliers of hand painted oil painting on canvas wall art. We provide hand painted modern decoration oil painting, modern painting, abstract painting, modern canvas wall art, abstract wall art, contemporary artwork,modern decor hanging We as art factory with thousands of decorative oil paintings to satisfy all of your fine art needs. We are good at transfer your photo into amazing canvas wall art. Custom order is possible.
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