The ASI178MC is a versatile and highly sensitive monochrome astronomy camera for imaging solar system objects and deep-sky objects through a telescope. The camera incorporates an advanced 7.4mm x 5.0mm CMOS sensor with 6.4 megapixels and 2.4-micron pixel size to help you extract fine detail in astronomical images. This camera is ideal for capturing images of the Moon, Sun (with a safe solar filter, not included), planets, and deep-sky objects. The USB3.0 port offers a fast capture rate of 60 frames-per-second at the full resolution of 3096x2080, and much faster rates at lower resolutions. This is the non-cooled version of this camera. Cooled/pro versions are available separately. NOTE: This camera is best used with a refractor or reflector telescope mounted on a solid equatorial mount that can accurately track the motion of the sky. It is not intended for taking images through the eyepiece of a telescope. This camera produces color images without the need for additional color filters, but you may require additional accessories such as an autoguider, focal reducer, or barlow lens to get the best results. All software and drivers for this camera are available from the manufacturer’s website.
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