PROBABLY THE MOST ABSORBENT SINGLE UNIT IN-CAR HUMIDIFIER BAG ON THE MARKET INTRODUCING:DAMP EATER!! Sick of having to set off 10 mins earlier for work JUST TO CLEAR THE WINDSCREEN? BUY ME AND GIVE ME A CHANCE then spend your ten mins sipping on your morning cuppa. I AM DAMP EATER I love the damp moisture in your car,caravan and home. Just place me on your dashboard or rear parcel shelf, leave overnight then remove in the morning and marvel at your clear condensation free windscreen! I come in an extremely strong virtually indestructible bag that will not go soggy when moisture has been absorbed. Very easy to regenerate just place on radiator for approx 3 hrs then re-use. or a microwave for 5-mins I Will last for many years 3-4 recommended. I have a unique carrying handle that makes it easy to hang anywhere eg, in cupboards to dry out shoes and camping/walking gear. Can Also use me around the house especially on the window sills of that condensation covered window.I am Damp eater and I have been designed and assembled in The United Kingdom where we have one of the most unpredictable climates for damp in the world. I am filled with 1.5kg of the best silica holding upto 800g/l of moisture, or 80% of my own weight.We do not fit any Velcro or sticking fasteners to mess up your this also could restrict your view Get into the habit of leaving me on your dashboard overnight then removing in the morning.Ideally one on the dashboard and one on the rear parcel shelf should keep your car condensation free. Try using me in the caravan You will know when I needs charging as My gauge will change color Do not worry that the bag will break,they are the same bags used to carry shot lead by deep sea divers around the world,so are virtually indestructible. My dimensions are a substantial yet not overly to much 380 mm long x 140 mm wide x 50 mm deep. I AM THE FIRST TO BE FITTED WITH A GAUGE SO YOU CAN SEE ME AT WORK A to let you know when I need charging
1 week ago
2 weeks ago