Here's a unique product It's a scientific BIOFEEDBACK RELAXATION tool! A fun item but with a serious side. Stress is detected and measured with finger tip ease. Just place thumb on the sensor pad for 15 seconds. Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly. Repeat 5 times and feel your tension slowly melt away. Readings are fast, accurate and easy to evaluate using the colour-matched gauge below the sensor pad. It is a simple temperature measurement using liquid crystal and shown by colour change range that the Stress Chip changes to measure stress. The finger heats or cools the chip. Warmer hands are relaxed, colder hands are tense. An ideal tool for those interested in psychology, emotion, love, meditation, massage, emotional trauma, yoga, relaxation techniques, mental health, depression and hypnosis. Keep the Stress card handy - on your desk, at work -at home -in a shirt or jacket pocket - or as a bookmark in your cheque books, school books or attaché cases. You will use it often and for many years. Measure your stress and your work load. It just stays black. Why? First, check to see if you are using the Stress card at normal room temperature, between 21-24°C degrees. If the room is below 21°C the dot probably won’t change colours. Second, a lot of people these days carry low levels of stress all the time and don’t realize it. To find out if it’s you or the Stress card, try holding your hand on your warm back, just below the neck. If your hand feels cold, it’s probably you. If you think it’s the Stress card, try running it under hot water or holding it up to a heat source like a light bulb, if it changes colour, the Stress card is working. Also, we’ve discovered that if the Stress card gets shipped in winter, and the cards sit out in the cold for a period, this seems to put the liquid crystal into suspended animation. You can revive them by putting them near a radiator, or some other mild heat source.
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