Three (3) packages of Trader Joe's dried fruits: one of freeze-dried blueberries, one of dried baby sweet pineapple, one of freeze-dried strawberries. The only ingredients in each package: unsweetened unsulfured fruit. Details: Blueberries: are originally 8.5 ounces of fresh, ripe fruit dried to result in 1.2 oz (one serving) of freeze-dried fruit. Pineapple: dried (not freeze-dried) to make 6 oz (about 4 servings) per bag. Strawberries: 12 ounces of fresh, ripe fruit are freeze-dried to result in 1.2 oz (one serving per bag). Total net weight of three bags: 8.4 ounces. Each serving = 130 calories (applies to all three fruits). Contents of each bag: 100% fruit.
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