Keep track of your school calculators with EZ-Spot Teacher Packs You asked for help with reducing theft of your school-owned graphing calculators, and here's our solution.EZ-Spot Teacher Packs - available only for the TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition -- include 10 graphing calculators, each with a bright, easy-to-spot, "school bus yellow" back cover and slide case. In addition, each unit's faceplate is inscribed with the words, "SCHOOL PROPERTY."EZ-Spot calculators have the same features as regular TI-84 Plus family models that can be purchased through retail. EZ-Spot units connect to TI ViewScreen and/or TI-Presenter projection devices .Every TI-84 Plus family calculator also has a built-in USB port (USB cable included); preloaded software Apps like Cabri Jr. for Algebra and Geometry, and Science Tools; along with at least 3x the memory and 2.5x the speed of the TI-83 Plus. The only difference is the eye-catching color that makes them easy to identify as school-owned property.
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