MontCherry Brand Exclusive 2 Tips and Introducing Raw Roor Glass ''Round'' + ''Round''(2 Raw Round Roors) Mouth Slim Filter Tips Combo Gift Pack sold by Trendz. The hand-blown glass tip was co-designed by the world famous smokeware company RooR. Each tip include two ice pinches for blocking ashes. Raw Glass Smoking Tips were created to provide avid smokers with a new, more refined method and product to improve your smoking experience. ROOR in Germany have co-designed the glass tip with RAW. Where the mouth section is there are two ash pinches which will stop any material from entering your mouth. Made from high quality German Schott glass, the Raw glass tip comes in a plastic tube, are exceptionally easy to clean and use. Glass tips can be used on their own or for extra filtration you can put a cardboard roach or cotton filter into the glass filter. Glas filters can be reused over and over again, just give them a good clean every few uses, you can use a small pipe cleaner and soapy water.
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