Product Description SnoreStop FastTabs tablets provide therapeutic fast-acting snoring relief. It helps open your airway for better breathing which promotes better sleep. Snoring can cause sleep deprivation, not only for the snorer but for the people who spend the night near the snorer. SnoreStop provides you and your partner a good night's sleep - together. ‘SnoreStop is designed to improve upper airway muscle tone, regulate nasal secretions as well as decreasing nasal allergic reactions.' – Dr. Derek S. Lipman Author of Snoring from A to Z Proven Cures for the Night's Worst Nuisance. The Snoring Specialists Since 1995. Don’t know where your snoring occurs or which SnoreStop product you should try first? We created a 3 in 1 Starter Kit to allow anyone to first – self-test your snoring and second – discover the right SnoreStop product for your specific snoring. Manufacturer Contact Information 591 Constitution Ave Camarillo, CA 93001
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