ANACONDA FLUO POPUP + N 'Bytric Acid + Fluo Lightning 10 mm High Visual Floater Bait with Eye-Catching Tastes - The Anaconda Magist Fluo Pop Ups. The hook baits rising to the surface are sweetened with Neohesperidin dihydrochalkon, as well as refined with N'Bytric Acid. From fruity to sweet to fishy - the variety of flavours of the Fluo Pop Up leaves nothing to be desired. The use of Fluo Lightning makes this hook bait shine reflective. Fluoro colours also have a differentiating visual effect at different depths and with our wide range from light to dark, we cover every demand of modern carp fishing with the Magist Fluo Pop Up Range. Whether as a single hookbait on the chod rig, as a topper in the application of the Snow-Man assembly or as a hookbait when fishing, our Magist Fluo Pop Ups are successfully used.
1 month ago
3 days ago