Double Action Drying Lotion with Demi MakeupThis highly effective lotion helps clear skin of excess oils, then heals blemishes and irritated areas. This is combined with Demi Makeup to help conceal blemished areas.Helps Prevent Acne and Breakouts Use when needed to spot treat acne and breakouts. Goes deep to help dry affected areas so the skin can naturally heal red and inflamed skin. Helps cleanse skin so oil, dirt, and bacteria is removed for a healthier, clearer complexion.Natural Active Ingredients:CamphorSulfurZinc OxideFast acting relief from breakouts due to natural ingredients. Sulfur is excellent for drying affected areas while absorbing excess sebum that can cause breakouts. This also reduces acne for a clear complexion. It helps dry out dead skin cells while unclogging affected pores. Camphor helps heal skin while making you look younger. Zinc works to eliminate bacteria and other impurities in the skin. Serves as a gentle natural antiseptic to cleanse the skin and make it healthier.Safe for Daily UseHL Always Active Double Action Drying Lotion can be used 1 to 2 times each day as needed to treat acne and breakouts. Simply place it on affected areas and let stand until the skin is dry with less oil.
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