GoBe3 helps you find out how your metabolism works. To automatically calculate your calorie intake, GoBe3’s patented FLOW technology uses readings from an impedance sensor. Your cells absorb glucose and release water when you eat which are converted into readings from the impedance sensor and used to estimate your insulin levels. GoBe3’s impedance sensor measures these changes by sending high and low frequency signals through your tissue to determine the fluid volume of your cells. GoBe3 detects these changes and uses the information to calculate the calories you consumed. In addition to calorie intake, GoBe3 comes with eight other measurements. and some of the most powerful ones that GoBe3 measures are hydration, stress and sleep. These measurements can further help with achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, muscle tone and good health. Our patented technology is scientifically proven by UC Davis Food and Health Institute. Research studies confirm that the Healbe GoBe technology has the highest accuracy of any noninvasive method.
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