Living Like You’re On Vacation is the path to both personal and world Peace… Before the hotness of social media and showcasing one’s epic adventures, I was the ultimate travel junkie. I worked to vacation. No sooner did I finish one vacation and I had the next in the works. I went on like this for quite some time – even as my understanding of spiritual principles expanded. In fact, I found an old journal where I had written that if it was up to me, I would live like I was on vacation. That actually turned out to be a prophetic statement - although I received a powerful upgrade from Spirit as to what true vacations are truly meant to be! I’ve spent the past nine years meditating daily and taking every course available to understand the quantum field and energy medicine while going deeper into my connection with Higher Consciousness including expanding into channeling work from my five guides The JOGs and my guide Royal. Through this deep dive with Spirit, I have brought through the transmissions contained in this book which act as healing sessions while also activating your remembrance and ability to live like you’re on vacation. Dive into this Oracle daily and you will experience more Love, Peace and Prosperity than you ever thought possible as you co-create a life that feels vibrationally just like true vacations were always intended to feel, and then watch as the ripple effect extends throughout your entire life and the entire world. And so it is. It is so.
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