How to paint by numbers? Step 1: -- Lay your canvas out on a well-lit area flat surface. -- Prepare a small container of water to clean your brushes when changing colors. -- Organize your acrylic paint. -- Keep a cloth or paper towel to dry your brushes in between washes. Step 2: -- Match the number of the paint to the number of the area on the canvas (Be sure to match the number with the correct color). -- Paint all areas with one color before moving to the next color. Step 3: Stand Back and Marvel at your creation. Thanks to Meecaa paint by numbers, you will have the power to create the most beautiful piece of art. Warm Tips: -- If you paint an area with wrong color, don’t worry, please wait for the paint drying, then cover the wrong area with the correct color on the surface. -- Use the paint directly. If the paint is too dry, you can add 1 or 2 drops of water and stir evenly. Don’t add too much. -- Please cover with lid after you finish using the paint in case it gets dry. -- The paint we offer is enough for normal use, please do not waste it in case of shortage. Please thoroughly rinse the brush before you switch to another color. -- Oil painting without frame may appear creases during packaging. Please unroll the canvas and iron it with an iron or press heavy books on it all night to remove the creases. -- The paint is inedible. Children should paint accompanied by adults.
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