About the Author Abigail Guerrero (1972). She graduated as professor of Literature and later, with a Licenciatura en Letras at Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, UCA. She has participated in international conferences as a writer and critic. In 2008 she participated in Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA,) Santiago de Chile. She has been a teacher and instructor of Spanish, Language and Literature for over 15 years, and has worked as a text editor for various publislishing houses. The totality of her work brings together genres of poetry, short story and a novel of sciece fiction, as well as text books on Langauge, Literature, Spanish Grammar and Teaching Strategies based on the Constructivist focus. Her works include:¨El Salvador poem published in the Canadian journal Macomère (2010); Del Túnel y el Retorno (Poesía, 2005); La isla (existencialistas poems, 2007); Mil años de poesía hispánica, coauthored with Dr. Richard McCallister (Published by Imprenta Jurídica Salvadoreña, 2008); Memorias del reloj sin tiempo (poems about the war in El Salvador, 2012) Cuentos para beber con un huacal de Shuco joins 7 stories about characters who love, laugh and feed from an everyday substance that nourishes them and brings them together, as a group without time nor borders. Some of them rebel against the oppressive structures of a system that finally makes them pay the price for subverting order where they dwell. Read more
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