Dr. Robert Lee Dalpé's first groundbreaking homeopathic work in print is a practical, modern materia medica designed for practitioners of all therapeutic disciplines. Dr. Dalpé has practiced Homeopathy for over 20 years largely through his e-Clinic http://www.OnlineHomeopath.com for chronic conditions and life-threatening diseases. Dr. Dalpé brings the 14 most commonly needed homeopathic medicines to life for today's healers who want to make a real difference in the world by helping to cure some of Man's greatest pathologies which hold our species back today and even threaten our collective existance. He is the author of many independent homeopathic research studies for diseases and conditions such as: mercury poisoning, TSE Diseases (like CJD), HIV/AIDS, SARS, breast cancer, West Nile Virus, remedies for Smallpox and more published on his website, www.OnlineHomeopath.com Uber Remedies, Volume I, marks Dr. Dalpé's début in print.
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