NutriGreen is a product manufactured in the USA which contains a complex of 22 nutritional elements that translocate within the vascular system of the plant. NutriGreen is a water-soluble balanced formulation containing Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. It also contains micronutrients, kelp, vitamins and Humic Acid. NutriGreen can be used on a wide variety of crops such as vegetables, row and field crops, fruit and nut trees. NutriGreen is not just a simple foliar fertilizer, by contrast, it is a complex balanced nutritional formula, which contains 22 nutrients: seven macronutrients and plant growth regulators, eight micronutrients and seven vitamins, all from natural plant extracts which are rapidly absorbed by plant tissues. NutriGreen also contains humic acid of high quality, obtained from leonardite, which is an efficient soil conditioner and natural chelating agent. For this reason, NutriGreen can be easily mixed with other products commonly used in agriculture. The components of Nutrigreen promote the development of treated tissues, and increase the productivity of treated crops.
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