With our 4-seam, 2-seam, regular, and curveball baseball spin trainers, you can improve pitch efficiency, accuracy, and spin rate.Excellent for people of all ages! This pitcher training baseball is extremely useful for determining how much side spin (wobble) you impart on the ball when you throw it. The goal is to get behind the baseball and release it cleanly. When done correctly, the ball will have little wobble and rotate smoothly.The ball will wobble, cut, or dive if there are inefficiencies in the grip, arm action, or release point.If the spin ball doesn't wobble, you're throwing backspin correctly (in the field). When practising pitching, the wobble in the ball provides immediate feedback. It's a conversation starter because it appears that you're throwing a dented ball. Players are raving about this product's new and improved design, which includes a leather cover and seams.The Baseball Spinner will assist pitchers, catchers, and coaches in better understanding ball rotation and what it takes to inculcate that rotation.The Baseball Spinner is exactly the size and weight of a baseball. It is a valuable tool for instilling proper overhand throwing mechanics in all players.
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