A feast for the eyes and tastebuds alike! Our Olive Oil Dipping Dishes are designed by artist Mary Judge , inspired by the terraced hills of Umbria , Italy and made in the USA by HF Coors. When your olive oil dish is filled , there is a complete gradation of the hues of the olive oil as it fills the white terraced dish , due solely to the depth of the oil… a beautiful marriage of form and function , a feast for the eyes and tastebuds alike! Guests are invited to dip crudite or bread in a small bowl of seasoned olive oil. To enjoy this tradition , cap a bottle of extra virgin olive oil with a pouring spout , distribute your olive oil dishes and pass the oil for all to fill. Baskets of fresh country bread or steamed vegetables are excellent when dipped in a seasoned oil. Add a bit of balsamic vinegar which will form a little pool in the base of the dish. Enjoy!
3 weeks ago
2 months ago