ExpressionMed was founded with the belief that CGM tapes can be both fun and functional. Over 50 unique and stylish designs allow the user to find the tape to match their style. Our tapes are made from a thin, soft, breathable material that lasts for days and does not fray. Our goal is to keep CGM sensors in place for as long as possible in a comfortable and stylish way. All of our tapes are pre-cut and designed to fit the most common devices. Fully waterproof, our tapes are suitable for competitive swimmers, holidays and for active and playful toddlers. Easy to apply and remove. Most customers wear their devices between 7 and 28 days. We recommend wearing the tape for at least 3 days so it can be easily removed. Apply the tape to the skin without stretching it extremely – a light pull so that it fits perfectly is possible. We are pleased that you have chosen one of our tapes! Let us know which designs you like and what you would like in our range! If for any reason you are not satisfied, let us know and we will refund you the full purchase price.
5 days ago
1 month ago