When you crack the seal and see the natural bubbles rise, you know you're in for the unique flavors only Borjomi (pronounced Bor-zho-mi) brings. Instilled by the Earth with moderate carbonation and a wonderfully soft, velvety, mineral flavor incomparable to anything else, it's easy to understand why people love it and are hooked for life.The long history of Borjomi includes stories of the masses and historical figures alike enjoying its benefits by soaking in the region's spas or drinking the natural mineral water bottled. When visiting the USSR, Winston Churchill required Borjomi to be placed next to him on the table. The astronaut Yuri Gagarin’s first request upon returning from space was a bottle of Borjomi. The famous director Giorgi Tovstonogov required a bottle of Borjomi to be prepared for him ahead of all theater rehearsals. Clearly, this is no ordinary natural water.So what is it that makes Borjomi so desired and loved? The work that's done by our beautiful planet to yield a delicious product with healing effects so famous that people flock to it. Whether searching for ways to heal stomach diseases, skin conditions, or other ailments, many have enjoyed more than just its delectable taste.Bottles of water from the Georgian Borjomi Gorge springs are only bottled in quantities naturally produced to ensure this precious resource is around for generations to come. In 130 years of bottling, the mineral content remains unchanged, evidence supporting that this ecologically-friendly method ensures proper resource use, never abuse.Have you tried Borjomi?
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