PACLOCK’s “TL84A-WHT” is a part of our “Transportation Line” series of innovative padlocks. It is the only one-piece high security solution that protects and defends the most critical point of your roll up truck door’s latching system ~ the hook. If the hook cannot be moved, then the door cannot be opened. Whereas other “high security” solutions are just bent and welded sheet metal protecting a padlock, what you’re paying for is just a big pain in the neck. Using a product like that is cumbersome and laborious. Even paying $120 for a “really strong padlock” is not smart because the latch handle is made from pot metal and is easily cut. The only real “high security” solution is PACLOCK’s TL84A because the design inhibits the hook from moving. A bolt on hasp is included and this hasp needs to be mounted to the door. It is a simple operation of drilling two holes once you’ve aligned the hasp and then bolting the hasp to the door. The TL84 is the only padlock designed from the ground up for your roll-up truck doors from Todco or Whiting. When locked, the orientation of the key positioning makes picking or drill the cylinder virtually impossible. There are two versions of this product ~ one for a Todco and one for a Whiting door handle. The body of the padlock is made from 6061 aircraft grade aluminum for ultimate rust protection and also to make any sort of grinding attack very difficult. The PAC-BAND helps protect the cylinder from road debris. The 6-pin high-security cylinder is best-in-class for precision and anti-pick. And only with PACLOCK, you can pick exactly how you want your padlocks keyed ~ and buy almost every other PACLOCK to that same key number using the “U-Pick!” feature! Get all of your padlocks keyed alike! Best of all, the TL84A is a Buy America Act compliant padlock so you can feel good knowing your purchase is supporting US manufacturing by a small business that employs veterans and people with disabilities! Make Padlocks Great Again!
3 weeks ago
3 days ago