Calling a mobile number in ThailandDial the 9 digit mobile number preceded by 0; Thailand mobile numbers start with 8, 9 or 6. For example, to reach mobile number 832332332 you will need to dial 0832332332Calling a fixed line number in ThailandDial 0 + area code + phone number; for example, 02-1234-5678 or 043-213456Calling an international number when in Thailand – Super Savings RateDial 00400 + country code + phone number. For example, to call India number 022 24216344, dial “00400912224216344” The international dial code 00400 will be mentioned on the card.Local HelpdeskDTAC Customer Care at 1678 if you are within the country.Account Balance InquiriesSimply dial *101*9# from your DTAC Happy Tourist SIM to get your plan current balance.Airtime Top UpDTAC Store or Family Mart Store in Thailand. Top ups available for 50THB, 100THB, 300THB, 500THB & 1000THB.Extension of validityThese cards can be refilled at the telecom operator’s store for an extension of validity. These refills will generally be more expensive than the rates paid to TSIM. However, we are not in a position to aid you in extending the validity of the card.APN SettingFor most devices, this SIM card does not require any APN configuration to access Internet. iPhones rarely require any APN setting. However, some Android based devices may require you to manually configure their APN in order to access Internet correctly. If you have an Android OS based device, and your phone can make calls and receive texts, but cannot access Internet, please try to configure the APN based on the following instructions:New APN setting:Enter Wireless Control-> Mobile Network Settings-> Wireless Access Points (WAP) name-> Menu-> New APN, then input following information:APN: blankpassword: blank
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