Accessories Have Always Been An Important Part For The 2 Wheeler's . They Not Only Help In Easy Use Of Vehicle But Also Upgrade The Vehicles Look. All Product Go Through A Thorough Research & Development To Provide Our Customer A Product That Is Durable , Safe , Easy & Hassle Free To Install & Elegant In Design To Greatly Upgrade Vehicles Outstanding Impression . LEGAL DISCLAIMER - *The brand names and model names pertaining to the vehicles mentioned herein are the respective intellectual properties including trademarks of the stated brand owners and Mahabir Industries does not represent to have ownership or license to such intellectual properties including the respective trademarks. The vehicle names and manufacturers mentioned above are for reference purpose only. Mahabir Industries is not the OEM for the vehicle manufacturer mentioned herein and is providing quality third party spare parts and accessories for the vehicles mentioned. The product is thoroughly tested and then sold in the market. We do not take any guarantee for the damage caused to the vehicle or warranty from our product . It is completely the customers responsibility if there any damaged caused to the vehicle after the installation of the product. All disputes subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only.
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