Welcome to our store,our company most dedicated to provide the finest service and quality in our products.Through years of development,We had comprehensively improved the technical ability,has a huge design team and independent production workshop.Now become a leading enterprises of cartoon products.And we will integrate different industry resources to product best quality products for more and more anime lovers. Here are a few simple things you can do to keep bed pillow in great condition. *Wash them as necessary.Dont wash them too often,or they will begin to fade. *Shower before bed.Some people shower once a day in the morning,some in the evening,some twice a day. *Keep animals away from it.We all love pets but they can also do harm. *Trim(and file)your nails!This is common sense and everyone should do it anyway. *Keep it off the floor.Your floor may appear to be clean,but it is still a factor in adding dirt to the pillow.Avoid if possible.
3 weeks ago
2 weeks ago