NO GENERIC COAX HERE! Our cables are assembled with top tier craftsmanship. We use triple wall 3:1 adhesive heat-shrink on each connection for extra durability. We guarantee that any cable under 3000MHz will have a Standing wave ratio plot of 1.25:1 at any frequency under 3000 MHz - We can also test return loss, insertion loss, phase angle, and use a Vector Network Analyzer to measure for both match and resonance. We guarantee our cable assemblies for 90 days "wear and tear" or if the cable malfunctions. If you encounter any issues with the assembly we are here to assist with a solution. ABOUT CABLE ASSEMBLES NOW INC- A small business supplying the best RF communications equipment you can buy. We stand behind each cable and antenna’s quality and warranty jumpers for a year. All Cable assemblies Now jumpers are made and manufactured here in the United States at our Florida based warehouse. We take great pride in the quality of our products. Thank you for looking at our products and we hope to build a quality product for you in the future! Cable Assemblies Now is proud to offer LMR400 coaxial jumper made with GENUINE Times Microwave coaxial cable! Our jumper is assembled with LMR400 cable; which is a drop-in replacement for RG8 coaxial cable. Our jumper assemblies have a wide range of applications that include wireless communications systems - short antenna feeder runs - WLL - GPS - LMR - WLAN - WISP - WiMax - SCADA- Helium - Mobile applications - Antenna installations – You Name it! Essentially any application requiring an easily routed, low loss RF cable. Commonly used as a jumper coax cable to link the surge suppressor to your RF equipment, ham radio or CB radio to antenna!
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